Israel: Between Heaven and Earth, Dream and Reality

27 Sep, 2016

No issue is more central today and more prone to debate and even communal conflict than our relationship with the State of Israel.  Israel is a young nation dedicated, as noted in its Declaration of Independence, that it is Jewish, democratic and committed to the civil and human rights of all its citizens.  To engage with Israel as we will do means to be passionate about the Jewish homeland and also have a critical and analytic eye to be better advocates and supporters of the Israel of our dreams.


  1. As Jewish leaders in American what, if any, responsibilities do we have towards the State of Israel?
  2. Living in the world’s largest and most comfortable Jewish community outside of Israel, how do we negotiate our personal, intimate connection with our historic homeland while maintaining an independent moral and political position on its policies?
  3. What are the mutual obligations, if any between Israel and the Diaspora Jews?