COJECO NJ invites you to come together for a Community Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday, February 8th. Join us for an informal celebration with a festive Kosher meal in the company of other RSJ families. Advance registration is required. Spots are limited. This program is conducted in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.
Wayne YMCA
COJECO NJ invites you to come together for a Community Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday, February 8th. Join us for an informal celebration with a festive Kosher meal in the company of other RSJ families.
Advance registration is required. Spots are limited.
This program is conducted in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.
COJECO (Council of Jewish Émigré Community Organizations) is the central hub of the Russian-speaking Jewish community in the New York tri-state area. We are the central hub for the Russian-speaking Jewish community in New York tri-state area. Our mission is to convene and connect the Russian-speaking Jewish community to build on our heritage through collaborative leadership, innovative engagement, Jewish education, and community capacity building.