“A story with no words, a journey with no end” In this experimental theatrical clown fable, a family embarks on an adventure into a foreign land. What awaits them is predictably strange and surprisingly familiar. Through the language of clowning the cast tells the story of hustles and struggles that we go through when faced […]
Theater for the New City
“A story with no words, a journey with no end”
In this experimental theatrical clown fable, a family embarks on an adventure into a foreign land. What awaits them is predictably strange and surprisingly familiar. Through the language of clowning the cast tells the story of hustles and struggles that we go through when faced with the new and unknown. Le Grand Voyage is directed by Aelita West, a veteran clown in the acclaimed Slava’s Snowshow. Lost & Found Project is an award-winning troupe, founded in 2011 as a multi-faceted theatre experiment by a group of young NYC-based actors and writers.
This project is created as part of COJECO BluePrint Fellowship by Alex Ryaboy.
Feb 26 at 7 PM – Mar 1 at 4 PM
The COJECO BluePrint Fellowship empowers young Russian-speaking Jews ages 25 to 40 to explore their personal and collective identity by creating their own innovative Jewish community projects. This year-long program provides participants with a support network of peers, educational group workshops, a personal project mentor, networking opportunities, and a mini-grant for project implementation.