Music & Russian for children 4-6 yrs old

Children explore the language of music through songs, games, movement, and hands-on activities with simple instruments. Infused with Russian folklore songs and stories, the class promotes literacy in both Russian and music. Students will develop a good sense of pitch and rhythm, while learning to recognize Russian syllables and words Дети изучают язык музыки через […]

Kaplen JCC

Feb 12
3:45 pm

4:30 pm
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About Event

Children explore the language of music through songs, games, movement, and hands-on activities with simple instruments. Infused with Russian folklore songs and stories, the class promotes literacy in both Russian and music. Students will develop a good sense of pitch and rhythm, while learning to recognize Russian syllables and words

Дети изучают язык музыки через песни, игры, движение под музыку и знакомство с простыми инструментами. Курс, пронизанный русскими народными сказками и историями, способствует возникновению как языковой, так и музыкальной грамотности. У учеников развивается музыкальный слух и чувство ритма, а одновременно и узнавание слогов и слов русского языка.

15 times on Tuesdays
3:45 PM – 4:30 PM
Feb 12 – Jun 11
Except: Feb 19, Apr 23, May 14

To register:


Kaplen JCC


COJECO (Council of Jewish Émigré Community Organizations) is the central hub of the Russian-speaking Jewish community in the New York tri-state area. We are the central hub for the Russian-speaking Jewish community in New York tri-state area. Our mission is to convene and connect the Russian-speaking Jewish community to build on our heritage through collaborative leadership, innovative engagement, Jewish education, and community capacity building.   COJECO_LOGO

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