Now in its tenth year, this highly acclaimed weekly program explores the larger themes of Shabbat and concludes each week with candle-lighting, challah, and grape juice. The class is taught in Russian by experienced early childhood educators and features music and movement, dramatic play, visual arts, storytelling, cooking, and much more! For more information, please […]
Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan
Now in its tenth year, this highly acclaimed weekly program explores the larger themes of Shabbat and concludes each week with candle-lighting, challah, and grape juice. The class is taught in Russian by experienced early childhood educators and features music and movement, dramatic play, visual arts, storytelling, cooking, and much more!
For more information, please e-mail Jane Tuv at
Generation R is supported by The Jewish Education Project, with generous funding from the Genesis Philanthropy Group.
Fridays,4:30-5:30 pm,