Weekly Torah Portion through the eyes of a Contemporary RSJ Yigal Kotler, COJECO Director of Jewish Education, welcomes Yuri Tabak. Yuri has a degree in economic cybernetics, and is a well-known religion scholar, translator, and author of books and articles related to biblical topics and interfaith relations. In this live dialogue, Yigal and Yuri will […]
Weekly Torah Portion through the eyes of a Contemporary RSJ
Yigal Kotler, COJECO Director of Jewish Education, welcomes Yuri Tabak. Yuri has a degree in economic cybernetics, and is a well-known religion scholar, translator, and author of books and articles related to biblical topics and interfaith relations. In this live dialogue, Yigal and Yuri will take a fresh look at the weekly Torah portion, discussing its relevance for the Russian-speaking Jews today.
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COJECO (Council of Jewish Émigré Community Organizations) is the central hub of the Russian-speaking Jewish community in the New York tri-state area.
We are the central hub for the Russian-speaking Jewish community in New York tri-state area. Our mission is to convene and connect the Russian-speaking Jewish community to build on our heritage through collaborative leadership, innovative engagement, Jewish education, and community capacity building.