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Yevgeniya Rozentsvit

Vice-President, Jewish folk craft guild

Director of program “ Memory of Shtetl “ of the Jewish Folk Craft Guild.Inc. 04/2000-Present Management and Administration of the Arts and Crafts exhibitions( about 100) : Brooklyn Library (Kings Bay & Kings Highway branches) ,College “ASA” , Central Queens 108 Y ,Jewish center of Kew Gardens , Bnai Zion Russian department. College Baruch .National Yiddish Theatre. Storyteller with Craft ( Queens Library.New American program) . Promotion and popularization Yiddish, Russian Folk tales and Applied Arts. 2004- Present - 1963- 97 RUSSIA Restek Exhibition Complex St. Petersburg Exhibition and Symposium on Mineral Resources of Russia Manager Representative for internal and external communication Exhibitions jewelry and gemstones North West Geological Survey The manager at the head of the administration of programming for the general work of the geological works on the city and North East Russia Leader of the number group of exhibitions EDUCATION USA 1998- 2000 Bramson Ort College . NY (AAS) Degree: Computer Programming Concentration 1997- 1999 School of Visual Art ,NY, Stone carving department Russia 19 64 -66 Repin Academy of Arts Evening drawing classes Drawing teacher 1958 -1963Leningrad Mining Institute Mining engineer, geologist


Jewish folk craft guild
1876 East 19 str.bsm Phone 1 646 321 5220; 1 917 628 0706

Mission: The Jewish Folk Craft and Art Guild is a non-profit arts organization dedicated to providing opportunities for artistic and cultural exchanges and presenting quality art exhibitions and programs.
Since 1999, the guild has run dozens of exhibitions, presenting hundreds of works in different media, including traditional wood carving, precious and semi-precious metals and stones, paintings, sculptures, stained glass, embroidery, photography, computer graphics and other media. The Guild takes a major interest in Jewish folk art
A key project of the Guild in this vein is “The Jewish Shtetl,” have been shown in more than 30 exhibitions and first Yiddish festival with a positive reception, including such people as Bel Kaufman, Theodore Bikel, Zalman Mlotek
In 2012, the Guild organized first Jewish Festival, “The Marathon of Memories” that included four events: an art exhibition “We are from Shtetl”, a poetry and prose reading “We are 6000 Years Old,” a Jewish music concert, and a Jewish history film screening The exhibition is comprised of the artwork created between the years 2000 -2015 by guild members, Jewish painters and masters from Brooklyn, New York Through our art we’ve tried to recreate a shtetl here and now, in America. In our show we will guide you through the all aspects of everyday life of Jewish people in a small village, in a shtetl