Governance or Who Runs This Place and How To Make It Run Better – Part III: Financial Management

27 Sep, 2016

The volunteer leader of a Jewish organization has a number of key roles to play among which fiduciary responsibility is crucial and often anxiety producing. The past few years are replete with stories of financial improprieties in NGOs. Understanding and being on top of the numbers, along with determining and helping to direct and nurture the organizational mission and health, are often neglected when one accepts a board position.  We will use this session to gain solid skills in the required fiscal roles you must play in today’s Jewish organizations. The session will be grounded in core Jewish values and language we have studied– how to treat an image of God, and maintain our commitments to an ethical and just society.


  1. What are the financial responsibilities of board members?
  2. What are the financial objectives of the non-profits and what role do board members play toward achieving those objectives?
  3. Can financial management be grounded in Jewish tradition?