Happiness the Jewish Way is a published self-help book about happiness through the lens of Jewish wisdom.

Happiness is the most important thing in our lives. But how do we actually hold on to this great happiness feeling at all times, despite the fact that the world in not perfect? Happiness skills are not taught in schools, so we are pretty much on our own, struggling with emotional effects of everyday challenges.

Jewish history holds even more challenges than most: the wandering, the persecution, the Holocaust, the never-ending Middle Eastern conflict… But despite all this, Jewish heritage showcases great examples of resilience, love of life and happiness.

“In my book Happiness, the Jewish Way, I provide simple concepts and effective exercises for happier attitude. Each concept is illustrated by an inspiring example from Jewish history, folklore and tradition.”      ~Olga Gilburd

Olga’s blog on happiness: www.olgarythm.blogspot.com

Event Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/825687494182927/

Project Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/happinessthejewishway


Olga Gilburd Happiness the Jewish Way