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Helga and the Life-sized Carl Sagan

Art 2014-2015

Helga and Carl is a 150 sq. ft. wooden sculpture in the form of an upright larger-than-life entirely interactive wooden book.  As the viewer opens, builds, writes, and engages with 30 interactive pieces (handmade books, photography collections, home furnishings, tools and customized clothing), he advances the plot as audience, narrator, and protagonist.

Helga and Carl explores the relationship between creation and consumption, especially the transitions between the two.  The story is told through collaborations with 15 hand-chosen visual artists – each contributing a 24″ x 24″ or 24″ x 48″ visual chapter, using a variety of media – tiles, photography, paint, stain, sculpture, poetry, dress-making, and book-arts.  The chapters are brought together through story-telling sequences included in a transparent wooden latticework – incorporating each artist’s component into a big-picture infrastructure.

The viewer encounters Carl Sagan, Carl Jung, and Pac-Man – brought together by a mysterious, benevolent entity named Helga.

The installation premiered on May 16, 2015 at 660 Studios, Jersey City, NJ and was later in residence Figment Arts Festival on Governor’s Island, NYC during summer 2015.


Alex Pergament Helga and the Life-sized Carl Sagan