Her Journey is a 33 minute documentary film that features the stories of Russian speaking Jewish women who went through evacuation during World War II. The story line of the documentary has five segments; moment when war begins, the evacuation journey, life in evacuation, the return home, and lessons for future generations. Karina interviewed four (4) women for this project. She used the interviews with these women to recount this history in the five (5) segments. The documentary also includes historical facts about evacuation and footage and images such as of evacuee registration cards. The documentary includes digital animation of the routes these women traveled.

In addition to the documentary, Karina worked with another 2014-15 BluePrint Fellow Alex Pergament to create a photo exhibit of the 4 women featured in the documentary. The photo exhibit is a wooden book with four (4) photographs. The photo exhibit aims to reinforce the goal of the project which is to pass on this history to future generations.

The event took place on May 14, 2015 in Brooklyn, NY.




Karina Weinstein Her Journey