Cultural events and social outings for Russian-speaking Jews ages 50+.

Event series, created as part of the COJECO Blueprint Fellowship, included:
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“Бранч под музыку”, a fabulous brunch at City Winery, with a performance by Lisa Gutkin, a Grammy-winning artist, offering a vibrant blend of Jewish melodies, jazz, blues, and much more! A great event for to hear wonderful music, socialize, and of course подкрепиться.

kruzhok 4Guided tour of the Marc Chagall exhibit, “Love, War, and Exile” at the Jewish Museum on Nov 7th. Food, laughs, and discussion to follow at U Cafe.kruzhok 5

Concert by Psoy Korolenko & Zisl Slepovitch on January 27th.




Marina Mirchevskaya Kruzhok