RUSA LGBT: Russian-Speaking American LGBT Group

RUSA LGBT is a network for Russian-speaking LGBTQ individuals, their friends, supporters and loved ones. As part of the Blueprint Fellowship project, RUSA LGBT created a series of meet-ups and events exploring what it’s like to be a Russian-speaking LGBTQ Jew in the US today.

The event series culminated in a panel presentation offering different perspectives on Jewish and gay life in both the former Soviet Union and modern-day Russia. The event took place on November 6, 2013 at the JCC in Manhattan. Panelists included:

Yevgeniy Fiks, Moscow-born artist
Masha Gessen, journalist and author
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, spiritual leader of CBST
Dr. Jay Michaelson, founder of Nehirim and leading LGBT writer and activist
Dr. Bella Proskurov, licensed psychologist and RUSA LGBT activist

Moderator: Yelena Goltsman


Yelena Goltsman RUSA LGBT