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The Art Sprinter

Art 2014-2015

The Art Sprinter Emerging Jewish Artist Awards is a global art competition specifically targeting talented contemporary Jewish artists from all over the world. The project was created with the vision to recognize exceptional early and mid career artists and present their talent to a global audience through online promotion and a gallery exhibition.

While submissions are accepted in digital format, the actual artworks of ten finalists will be featured in a group exhibition that culminates with an awards ceremony in a New York City based gallery.

Since the concept of emergence in the arts does not necessarily correlate to a specific age, or other quantifiable terms, Jewish artists of all ages and working with all mediums of expression are encouraged to submit their artworks.

While the organization encourages Jewish artists from all over the world to explore their cultural and historical background and to express their attachment to global Jewry through their art, there is no mandatory theme assigned for submitted artworks. Candidates simply need to identify themselves as Jewish artists and submit their best works.

In order to strengthen the global Jewish art community and assist The Art Sprinter finalists with establishing life-long contacts, the awards ceremony will be held in New York City, a global hub for contemporary art. Among other purposes of the project is to showcase the long and continuing tradition of Jews in the arts and to highlight the importance of art for the global Jewish community.

Event took place on June 3, 2015 at One Art Space Gallery, 23 Warren Street, NYC. 300+ people attended the event.

Online version of exhibition catalog:

Read more about the project:

Emerging Jewish Artists Awards


Katya Bychkova The Art Sprinter